Home Adventures Hiking around Kent Falls State Park in Connecticut

Hiking around Kent Falls State Park in Connecticut

by Shane

Hiking around Kent Falls State Park in Connecticut

Kent Falls State Park is a must see for EPIC waterfalls! Yessss, this is the adventure we have been waiting for in Connecticut! It wasn’t a grueling hike with views of your house 1000 miles away and it wasn’t quite Yosemite National Park.

It was however, exactly the type of place we are looking for and hoping to find on our adventures. A beautiful waterfall carving the hillside for about 250 ft down a slope nestled in the woods.

Kent Falls State Park 1UP WE GO.

The above view is just after you walk through the covered bridge in Kent Falls State Park. As beautiful as that looks, it is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak with the length of these cascading falls. We apparently were pretty lucky on our arrival there.

There were a few groups of people along the trail paths, but honestly felt like there should have been a lot more people considering the views you take in. Although it is 9 dollars to get in (if you live in Connecticut) and a bit higher if you are out of state, I still highly recommend going to this park.

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At the base of the falls you can already see a tri-layer effect that is simply gorgeous. If only we had an entire day to spend there just listening to falls rushing down the side of the hill. Definitely seems to take the edge off any of the stress currently going on in your life. 🙂

As you make your way up the  stairs/paved footpath, you will come across many of the little lookout areas that bring you a bit closer to the beautiful falls. If you scroll through the gallery above, I believe Blaze and I are standing at the first one you come across. Although I always recommend bringing a camera along, this place is a must if you love capturing nature in its finest.

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Speaking of taking your camera, check out all the cool pictures Deanna took in the gallery above! Well, I took the picture she and Blaze are in, but she is the artist. Pretty sure I’ll never understand all the settings that camera of hers is capable of, but she seems to be getting the hang of it.

Anyways, we believe this is the top of the 250 ft high cascading falls. At least this is as far as the state park trails took us, so we figured that is safe to assume. Rather than just repeating everything on Kent Falls State Park that the official website does, here is a link to that website.

–> Kent Falls State Park Trail Map <–

As you can see from the hiking map on the official Kent Falls State Park website, there is not a TON of hiking to be had at the park. However, we did really enjoy the paved trail on the way up and we took the red trail on the way back down. There is also a large open area towards the entrance of the park where you can have picnics or toss a disc/football around.

Kent Falls State Park 10SWEET SCENERY

We really enjoyed all the cool exposed roots towards the top of Kent Falls. They kind of stick out more when they are all intertwined and highlighted with beautiful green moss. It kind of makes you feel like you are out west in Oregon or Washington.

Kent Falls State Park 12EPIC DEANNA PHOTOS

Although the falls are the main attraction to the park, one can help but notice how beautiful the stream itself is while hiking towards the rear (or south end) of the park. I guess it helps when the sun is offering some exceptional lighting off the top of the crystal clear water. Needless to say, we enjoyed pretty much every aspect of this park.Kent Falls State Park 858


If all you want to do is relax and enjoy the sounds of a stream pushing through the rocks, then no need to climb all the way up to the top of the falls. The landscape around the entrance of the park still has a lot to offer to get your fulfillment of  the outdoors. Granted for 9 bucks, I’m going to be making my way around the park to the best of my ability to get my money’s worth. 🙂

Hope you enjoyed this little adventure of ours to Kent Falls State Park in Connecticut. Feel free to share this article with anyone you think might enjoy this area.


Macedonia Brook State Park

Mt Tom State Park

Peoples State Forest

White Memorial Conservation Center

Steep Rock Preserve


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Adventure On!

One of the best waterfalls in Connecticut, Kent Falls State Park is a fun dog-friendly hike! #waterfalls #Connecticut #hike

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